Current Meade County Families

Families with currently enrolled students in Meade County Schools may now enroll students for: 

  • Preschool & Kindergarten for the next school year by adding a student to the household.
  • Enrolling new students in the current school year by adding a student to the household.


The following required documentation for enrollment may be uploaded to the application before submitting.

                Student’s birth certificate

                Student’s Immunization Record

                Student’s report card/transcript from the previous school


Log into your Parent Portal account.  Contact your current student’s school for help if you cannot log in.


From the menu on the top left side, go to More, then go to Online Registration.

Make sure you choose the correct school year needed for enrollment!

Click Begin Registration Button.


Review each section of the application and click Next Page and/or Save as you progress through each section.

When you get to the STUDENT tab, click Add New Student and complete each section for the new student.  This will add the student to your current household.


Once your application has been submitted, please contact the school to finalize enrollment and submit the required documentation if it was not uploaded in the application.  If you are enrolling a preschool student, you will receive a call about a screening appointment.